• 姓名: 王平
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 电话: 010-82543690
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: wangping@mail.ipc.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村东路29号
    简  历:
  • 王平,男,博士,中国科学院理化技术研究所副研究员。主要研究方向为常温/低温绝热材料研制及性能研究,轻量化复合材料研制及性能研究等。主持国家重点实验室基金、中国科学院C类先导专项子课题等项目3项。发表学术论文10余篇,申请专利10余项。


  • 1. 绝热材料研制及性能研究
    2. 轻量化复合材料研制及性能研究
    3. 低温绝热材料热导率及绝热结构研究

  • 1. 低温隔热膜研制,中国科学院C类先导专项子课题,主持
    2. HGMs-VDMLI绝热体系优化配置研究, 国家重点实验室基金,主持
    3. 基于玻璃微珠的变密度多层技术研究,地方任务,主持
    4. 横向项目若干

  • 1. Ping Wang, Shun Zhong, Kaiqi Yan*, Bin Liao, Yuanyuan Guo, Jingjie Zhang*. Effect of hollow glass microspheres surface modification on the compressive strength of syntactic foams. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 30 (2024) 2264-2271.
    2. Ping Wang, Banghua He, Zhenguo An, Weixin Xiao, Xiaorui Song, Kaiqi Yan*, Jingjie Zhang*. Hollow glass microspheres embedded in porous network of chitosan aerogel used for thermal insulation and flame retardant materials. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 256 (2024) 128329.
    3. Ping Wang, Shun Zhong, Kaiqi Yan*, Bin Liao, Jingjie Zhang*. Influence of a batch of hollow glass microspheres with different strength grades on the compression strength of syntactic foam. Composites Science and Technology, 223 (2022) 109442.
    4. Ping Wang, Lun Ji, Jing Yuan, Zhenguo An, Kaiqi Yan*, Jingjie Zhang*. The influence of inner material with different average thermal conductivity on the performance of whole insulation system for liquid hydrogen on orbit storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 10913-10923.
    5. Ping Wang, Lun Ji, Jing Yuan, Zhenguo An, Kaiqi Yan*, Jingjie Zhang*. Modeling and optimization of composite thermal insulation system with HGMs and VDMLI for liquid hydrogen on orbit storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (2020) 7088-7097.
    6. Ping Wang, Bin Liao, Zhenguo An, Kaiqi Yan*, Jingjie Zhang*. Measurement and calculation of cryogenic thermal conductivity of HGMs. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 129, 591-598.
    7. Yuan Luo, Ping Wang, Qiang Liu, Yuanxin Wang, Kaiqi Yan*, Jingjie Zhang*. Preparation of hierarchical directional porous alumina microspheres with high porosity, low density, and low thermal conductivity via spray freeze drying with heat treatment. Powder Technology, 444 (2024) 120027.
    8. Qianqian Jia, Man Li, Zhenguo An, Ping Wang, Jingjie Zhang. Glass-cobalt Janus shell hollow microspheres: Shell structure dependence of mechanical strength and electromagnetic property. Chemical Engineering Journal, 483 (2024) 148748.
    9. Weixin Xiao, Ping Wang, Xiaorui Song, Bin Liao, Kaiqi Yan*, JingJie Zhang*. Facile Fabrication of Anisotropic Chitosan Aerogel with Hydrophobicity and Thermal Superinsulation for Advanced Thermal Management. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 28, 9348-9357.
    10. Xiaorui Song, Weixin Xiao, Ping Wang, Bin Liao, Kaiqi Yan*, Jingjie Zhang*. Hollow glass microspheres-based ultralight non-combustible thermal insulation foam with point-to-point binding structure using solvent evaporation method. Construction and Building Materials, 292 (2021) 123415.
    11. Chi Zhang, Rongjin Huang*, Ping Wang, Yongguang Wang, Zhengrong Zhou, Hengcheng Zhang, Zhixiong Wu, and Laifeng Li*. Highly Compressible, Thermally Conductive, yet Electrically Insulating Fluorinated Graphene Aerogel. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 58170−58178.
    12. Jianpeng Zheng, Liubiao Chen*, Ping Wang, Jingjie Zhang, Junjie Wang*, Yuan Zhou. A novel cryogenic insulation system of hollow glass microspheres and self-evaporation vapor-cooled shield for liquid hydrogen storage. Frontiers in Energy, 2020, 14, 570-577.

  • 2023年  中国科学院理化技术研究所“优秀共产党员”