1997.9-2001.7,华东理工大学,精细化工专业,工学学士 2005.9-2010.3,中科院理化技术研究所,物理化学专业,理学博士,导师:陈丽娟研究员 2010.5-2011.5,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,访问学者 2006.7 –至今,中科院理化技术研究所,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员、博士生导师 |
1.中国感光学会生物基功能大分子材料与技术专业委员会 主任
2.中国日用化工协会明胶分会 副秘书长
3.《明胶科学与技术杂志》 副主编
4.《影响科学与光化学》 编辑
2.中科院国际合作专项 “埃塞俄比亚牛羊皮骨资调研、分析检测及绿色酶法明胶示范工程”(2019-2021年)
3.中科院STS重点项目 “明胶酶法绿色制造2.0工艺研发及应用”(2017-2018年)
5.科技部国合专项 “载药HA复合微球对骨齿缺损修复的合作研究”(2013-2015年)
6.国家自然科学基金项目 “基于螺旋电纺的规整性碳纳米纤维负载金属氧化物微晶催化剂的制备及其对木质素制备酚类的选择性催化”(2016-2018年)
1.Yi Zhu, Ling Lin, Yu Chen, Yeping Song, Weipeng Lu,* and Yanchuan Guo*, Extreme Temperature-Tolerant Conductive Gel with Antibacterial Activity for Flexible Dual-Response Sensors. Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 56470-56479
2.Yu Chen, Weipeng Lu,* Yanchuan Guo* ,Yi Zhu, and Yeping Song, Chitosan-Gated Fluorescent Mesoporous Silica Nanocarriers for the Real-Time Monitoring of Drug Release. Langmuir, 2020,36, 6749-6756
3.Jianing Wang, Bing Zhang, Weipeng Lu, Junli Liu, Weijie Zhang, Yihu Wang, Ming Ma, Xiaofeng Cao and Yanchuan Guo*, Cell Proliferation Stimulation Ability and Osteogenic Activity of Low Molecular Weight Peptides Derived from Bovine Gelatin Hydrolysates. J. Agric. Food Chem, 2020,68, 7630-7640
4.Ming Ma*, Yihu Wang, Xiaofeng Cao, Weipeng Lu, and Yanchuan Guo*, Temperature and supersaturation as key parameters controlling the spontaneous precipitation of calcium carbonate with distinct physico-chemical properties from pure aqueous solutions. Crystal Growth & Design, 2019,19, 6972-6988
5.Yu Chen , Weipeng Lu *, Yanchuan Guo *, Yi Zhu and Yeping Song, Electrospun Gelatin Fibers Surface Loaded ZnO Particles as a Potential Biodegradable Antibacterial Wound Dressing. Nanomaterials, 2019,9,525, 1-13
6.Weipeng Lu, Yanchuan Guo* Bing Zhang*, Co-deoxy-liquefaction of willow leaves and waste tires for high-caloric fuel production, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018,135, 327-339
7.Wenxin Ma , Baosheng Ren , Zhen Huang , Qifeng Chen*, Xiaofeng Cao ,Yanchuan Guo **, Mesostructured zinc oxide architectures with high photocatalytic activity, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2017,186,
8.Yuxiao Wu, Wei-Peng Lu, Jianing Wang, Yunhua Gao and Yanchuan Guo*, Rapid and Convenient Separation of Chitooligosaccharides by Ion-Exchange Chromatography, Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,275,1-6
9.Yuxiao Wu, Ming Ma, Bing Zhang, Yunhua Gao, Weipeng Lu* and Yanchuan Guo*, Controlled synthesis of porous Co3O4 nanofibers by spiral-electrospinning and their application for formaldehyde oxidation, RSC Advances, 2016,6, 102127-102133
10.Guofang Fan, Yuan Li, Chunguang Hu, Lihua Lei, Yanchuan Guo*, A concept of integrated acousto-optical switches with multi-modulated-arms in parallel, Journal of Optics, 2016,46(3)277-280
11. unli Liu, Shaoyan Si, Yaya Qin, Bin Zhang, Shujun Song* and Yanchuan Guo*, The effect of different molecular weight collagen peptides on MC3T3-E1 cells differentiation, Bio-medical materials and engineering, 2015,26,S2041-S2047
12.JunLi Liu, YiHu Wang, ShuJun Song, XiJie Wang, YaYa Qin, ShaoYan Si* and YanChuan Guo*, Combined Oral Administration of Bovine Collagen Peptides with Calcium Citrate Inhibits Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Rats, PLoS ONE, 2015,10,1-10
13.Weipeng Lu, Haitao Xu, Bing Zhang, Ming Ma, and Yanchuan Guo?, The Preparation of Chitosan Oligosaccharide/Alginate Sodium/Gelatin Nanofibers by Spiral-Electrospinning, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015,15,1-5
14.Weipeng Lu, Ming Ma, Xiaodan Zhang, Bing Zhang, Yanchuan Guo*, Chao Wang??,Comparison of high calorific fuels obtained from fresh and dried Hydrilla verticillata: Effects of temperature, residence time, catalyst content and material state, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2015,111,76-87
15.Wei Peng Lu,Yanchuan Guo, Electrospinning of Collagen and Its Derivatives for Biomedical Applications, Novel Aspects of Nanofibers, 2018, 40-65
1.2020年 中国发明创业成果二等奖
2.2018年 中国产学研合作创新奖
3.2018年 中国技术市场金桥奖优秀奖
4.2017年 中国医药包材协会一等奖
5.2016年 中国产学研创新成果优秀奖
6.2016年 宁夏回族自治区科技进步三等奖
7.2013年 内蒙古自治区包头市科技进步一等奖