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2.Y.-P. Jia, Y.-L. Zhang, X.-Z. Dong*, M.-L. Zheng, Z.-S. Zhao, and X.-M. Duan*, Tunable dual-band infrared chiral metamaterials based on double-layered asymmetric U-shape split ring resonators, Physica E, 2015,74, 659-664.
3.L.-J. Chen, X.-Z. Dong*, Y.-Y. Zhao, Y.-L. Zhang, J. Liu, M.-L. Zheng, X.-M. Duan, and Z.-S. Zhao*, “Fabrication and optical transmission characteristics of polymers woodpile photonic crystal structures with different crystal planes”, Proc. SPIE 2015,9671, 967127.
4.Y.-P. Jia, Y.-L. Zhang, X.-Z. Dong*, M.-L. Zheng, J. Li, J. Liu, Z.-S. Zhao, and X.-M. Duan*, "Complementary chiral metasurface with strong broadband optical activity and enhanced transmission," Appl. Phys. Lett.,2014,104011108.